Chapter 0185: Searching for Him Through Thousands of Ways


Slap, slap!

After two slaps rang out, Long Fei held his face, feeling wronged as he followed Lin Yingying and Lin Shanshan down the mountain.

Damn it, he didn't want to touch a butt, it's you guys who insisted on pressing against him, and then you slap him afterward.

On the cable car, Long Fei glumly muttered to himself while staring at the two sisters.

Lin Shanshan worriedly said, "Do you think there will be people stopping us at the foot of the mountain?"

They had smashed the temple and posted on Weibo; probably those interest group backers were already blowing their tops.

Lin Yingying calmly said, "What is there to fear? If the sky falls, we still have that tall guy to support it!"

Lin Shanshan giggled and said to Long Fei, "Brother Long, I'm sorry about just now! I slapped you subconsciously; it wasn't deliberate."

Long Fei, still holding his face, ignored her.