Chapter 0183: A Tent


Three people left the Seven Stars Temple, and the sky had already turned dark.

Long Fei sighed, "See, I told you not to come up here, but you didn't listen. Now we can't get down!"

Lin Shanshan added, "Maybe, there are even police waiting for us at the bottom!"

Lin Yingying looked up at the sky and said, "If we can't go down, then we can't go down. It's quite nice to watch the stars here!"

She had Long Fei take them to the camping area.

This place was located at the edge of a cliff, some people had brought their own tents, most were rented, and some who found them too expensive only rented a coat and sat together around a bonfire chatting and drinking.

The afterglow of the setting sun tinged the clouds at the horizon red.

From a distance, it looked as though it had sunk into the sea, a truly spectacular and beautiful sight.