Chapter 196: What's Good About Me Exactly?


The living room suddenly fell silent as Long Fei awkwardly and quickly lifted himself up, moving his large hand away.

Li Wenwen was so embarrassed she couldn't face anyone, turning to her side and burying her head in the sofa.

"I'm going downstairs now, sleep early!"

Carrying the soup pot, Long Fei snuck out the door like a thief.

Li Wenwen was a good girl, and he didn't want to cause her trouble.

Li Wenwen snuck glances at him, actually wishing he would stay a bit longer.

The cool breeze outside brought relief to Long Fei as he took a deep breath.

Back in his room, he grabbed the pot of medicinal soup and downed it in one gulp.

Soon the essential qi inside his belly began to churn, swelling up like a drum.

This time, Long Fei, with his experience, calmly manipulated the essential qi, spreading it from the governor and conception vessels to the meridians all over his body.