Chapter 0213: The Bewilderment of the Treasure Hunter Commandant

Long Fei suggested that Fat Wang should start off as a security guard at Lin's Group, where, at worst, he could earn three thousand yuan a month, which was enough to live on in the city.

Wang Xiaoya didn't like this idea. She had finally escaped and didn't want her brother to jump right back in.

Fat Wang also objected, "I'm not going to be a security guard, I came to the city to do big things. If others knew I was just a doorman in the city, they'd laugh me to death."

Wang Xiaoya scolded him, "Wang Shengli, can't you have a proper work attitude? You didn't even graduate from high school, what big thing can you do?"

Long Fei looked at him too, curious to hear what he had in mind.

Now that Long Fei had plenty of money, he could invest in a shop for him as long as he was smart about it.