Chapter 0227: Brother is an Experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Part 1)

Long Fei raised his eyebrows, staring at the girl in surprise.

She was the one practicing martial arts in the park, whom he and Wang Xiaoya had stumbled upon.

At that time, she was dressed in sportswear, not as feminine as she appeared today.

That slender figure, cold beauty of her features, were on a par with Lin Yingying's.

Because she had long practiced the ways of ancient martial arts, she carried an air that seemed untouched by the mundane world.

A crowd of people fixed their gaze on her, whispering, "Isn't this Old Master Shen's granddaughter, Shen Yan'er?"

"It must be, she is Old Master Shen's beloved pearl."

"I've heard that since she was young, she's been studying martial arts with famous masters, and she herself is an ancient martial arts expert!"

"Tsk tsk, that's really impressive! Whoever marries her will have made it big in this life."