Chapter 0229: Still a Hot Commodity

Elder Shen hadn't laughed in a long time, but seeing the confident expression on Long Fei's face, he knew Long Fei must have a medicinal prescription for treatment.

Not wanting to shortchange Long Fei, he directly said to him, "Young man, if you can cure my ailment, I certainly won't let your efforts go to waste. Name your terms; as long as it's not against the law, I can satisfy any request."

Shen Yan'er said, "Yes, Elder Long. Whatever reward you desire, feel free to speak up. Do you want money or an official position?"

Long Fei swallowed, thinking to himself that indeed, it's true what they say about the grandeur of a wealthy family; their presence is absolutely firm.

He shook his head with the demeanor of someone from a family of distinction, "Elder Shen, as a healer, to talk of money and profit is vulgar. You have shed blood and earned merits for the country. If I were to take money from you, wouldn't others curse at me to death!"