Chapter 0363: Not on the Same Frequency

Evidently, the wealthy have a penchant for fancy cars—the seat reclined, more comfortable than a bed back home.

Not only did it absorb shocks well, but the car was also impervious to light.

When Long Fei drove off, his legs were somewhat shaky.

He resolved to rest well for a few days and absolutely avoid women.

Automatic cars are truly nothing special to drive.

Press the gas to go, hit the brakes to stop.

Long Fei's reaction speed had long surpassed that of ordinary people; he didn't even need to use his eyes to sense the cars ahead and behind, just his sixth sense.

Wang Xiaoya nervously sat in the passenger seat, originally worried that his driving wasn't up to par and that he would crash the car.

Yet surprisingly, everything went smoothly.

The guy seemed to drive better and better, just like a seasoned driver.