Chapter 4: Lend me a hundred bucks!

Seeing several fists greet him, Wang Hao tensed his waist slightly, the somewhat deformed bicycle wheel executed a 90-degree sharp spin, aiming a sweep at their knees.

The bodyguards hadn't expected Wang Hao to be a skilled fighter. Caught off-guard, they were all swept to the ground in an instant.

Having gained the upper hand, Wang Hao started to gloat, shouting boisterously, "Hey, why are you hitting people? Is there no law left in this world?"

Lin Yiyi recognized Wang Hao, rolled her eyes, and chided, "Weird uncle, you really have no shame, taking advantage of the situation like that!"

Lin Shihan glanced at her sister, then at Wang Hao, her brows furrowing slightly.

"Enough, hurry up and take your young master to the hospital, so he doesn't end up with any lasting damage!"

The bodyguards had been on the receiving end of blows the whole time; upon hearing Lin Shihan speak up, they immediately stopped.

The bespectacled man's face went pale when he heard the words "lasting damage." The injured part was his pride and joy; should any problems arise, his whole life would be thoroughly ruined.

The more the bespectacled man thought about it, the more frightened he became. Casting aside any pretense of gentlemanly demeanor, he shrieked in terror, "Yes, yes, yes, take me to the hospital quickly, I feel like I'm seriously injured. Waah, waah..."

Seeing this scene, the bodyguards were completely dumbfounded and hurriedly carried their young master to the car, speeding toward the nearest hospital.

Wang Hao tilted his head and flashed a grin at Lin Shihan, revealing eight neat little white teeth.


Lin Shihan, caught off guard by Wang Hao suddenly calling her "wifey," looked taken aback.

Immediately after, she glared at him, her eyes wide, and scolded, "What are you shouting for?"

Wang Hao replied with all sincerity, "I'm not shouting nonsense. Oh right, forgot to introduce myself—I'm Wang Hao, the Wang of princes and ministers, Hao of the bright moon in the sky!"

"You're Wang Hao?" Lin Yiyi and Mo Ran exclaimed almost at the same time.

Wang Hao nodded vigorously, responding, "Yes, guaranteed genuine, tenfold refund for fakes, and supports seven-day unconditional returns!"

After listening to Wang Hao's erratic talk, Lin Yiyi, Mo Ran, and Lin Shihan all were at a loss for words.

Lin Shihan's clear and bright eyes fixed on Wang Hao's, asking deliberately, "How can you prove that you're Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao was well-prepared for this question.

"I have your photo, given to me by the old leader, ahem, I mean, by the old father-in-law!"

While speaking, Wang Hao fished out the somewhat crumpled photo again.

"Wifey, look how cute you were as a kid, with two little dimples when you smile..."

Every time Wang Hao called her "wifey," Lin Shihan felt a headache coming on.

She pressed her forehead, scolding furiously, "Shut up, I'm not your wife!"

"Uh, wifey, maybe you still don't believe who I am, right? In that case, you can call the old leader!"

As he spoke, Wang Hao took out his Nokia satellite phone, ready to dial the old leader's number.

Seeing the crowd gathering around, Lin Shihan hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I believe you're Wang Hao. But this isn't the place to talk, come upstairs with me!"

Seeing Lin Shihan already believed his identity, Wang Hao grinned broadly and eagerly agreed, "Alrighty!"

Just at that moment, the old bike repairman hurried over, "Hey, young man, don't leave—your bike repair cost 200 yuan, you only gave 100, you still owe me 100!"

Wang Hao rummaged through his pockets three times before looking at Lin Shihan with a grin and saying, "Wife, could I borrow $100 from you for now?"

Hearing Wang Hao's shameless request to borrow money from a woman, Lin Shihan and Mo Ran were dumbfounded, while Lin Yiyi kept rolling her eyes, despising him intensely.

Lin Shihan coldly responded, "I don't have any cash on me, just cards!"

Wang Hao clicked his tongue and turned his gaze toward the aloof beauty, Mo Ran.

Mo Ran couldn't be bothered with him and looked away in another direction.

Wang Hao, feeling deflated, had no choice but to turn to Lin Yiyi for help: "Yiyi, considering your brother-in-law helped you get your wallet back, could you lend me $100?"

Lin Yiyi rolled her eyes dramatically, pulled out a red fish bill from her wallet, and handed it over.

"Yiyi, you're the best!" Wang Hao said with a sly smile, taking the $100.

Lin Shihan's place was a duplex apartment, two stories high, and what's more, it was right next to her company.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Lin Shihan changed into slippers and said to Yiyi and Mo Ran, "Yiyi, Mo Ran, I've had someone clean your rooms. Take a look and see if anything is missing, and I'll have it prepared?"

After finishing her words, she turned to Wang Hao and said, "You come with me!"

Wang Hao looked around the bright and tidy apartment, feeling a little constrained.

In recent years, he had been almost exclusively eating sand in the desert, and hadn't really stayed in such a high-class place.

"Um, sure thing!"

Lin Shihan opened a door and let Wang Hao inside.

Wang Hao initially thought it was Lin Shihan's boudoir and was a little excited. After all, it was his first time entering a girl's boudoir in his life.

But as he entered the room, he became somewhat flabbergasted.

Two large bookshelves took up half the space, laden with an array of books that was almost dizzying to look at.

Geez, this is a book room!

Seeing her sister following, Lin Shihan's brows furrowed slightly and she asked, "Yiyi, why did you follow?"

Lin Yiyi stuck out her tongue playfully and replied, "Sis, this guy is a beast. If you're alone with him in a room, something could happen. I came in to keep an eye on him!"

Hearing Lin Yiyi's words, Wang Hao couldn't help but have a face full of black lines.

Geez, the way you put it, as if something is less likely to happen with you two sisters coming in together?

Lin Shihan smiled gently, patted her sister's head lightly, and said, "It's okay, he's someone under dad's command. If I can't trust him, can I not trust dad too?"

"You go take a shower first, I have some things I want to talk to him about!"

While Lin Yiyi could be somewhat capricious, she wasn't unreasonable. She nodded and acquiesced, "Hmm, okay, sis, then I'll go take a shower first!"

After sending her sister away, Lin Shihan sized up Wang Hao once more and got straight to the point, "Do you want to become my husband?"

"Uh, of course I do!"

Wang Hao didn't expect Lin Shihan to be so direct. He was momentarily unsure of how to respond.