Chapter 1: Beauty, are you a idiot? (Please Collect)

"This figure is not bad, 85 points. This height is okay, but the face is a letdown, 70 points..."

On the plane, Wang Hao leaned back in his seat, his eyes slightly squinted, staring at the flight attendants walking back and forth while continuously muttering to himself.

However, when he thought of the task for his return trip to China, he couldn't help but frown and let out a deep sigh.

"Geez, I have no idea what got into the old leader's head, insisting that I go back for a blind date, and with his daughter no less!"

Just thinking about the old leader's face, which could give a pig's kidney a run for its money, Wang Hao shivered involuntarily.

Although Wang Hao had always been an academic slacker, he had still done fairly well in middle school biology.

Like father, like son; the son of a mouse will dig holes—it's simply genetics. The old leader has a face like a pig's kidney, so his daughter...

At that thought, Wang Hao suddenly felt like he was watching a horror movie, with Sadako as his great-uncle, and his whole body started to tremble.

Just as Wang Hao was shaking, a crisp voice, like a golden oriole emerging from the valley, suddenly rang in his ear, giving him a start.

"Hey, mister, isn't that my seat you're sitting in?"

Wang Hao glanced sideways and his eyes lit up at the sight that greeted him.

The owner of the voice was a delicate little loli!

The loli was wearing a sky-blue dress, not yet fully developed, with a graceful figure that clearly had the makings of a beauty.

Wang Hao's lips curled into a wicked smile as he asked, "Beauty, are you 2B?"

When the loli heard Wang Hao call her 2B, her teeth clenched in anger.

"You're the 2B! Your whole family are 2Bs!"

"Yiyi, what's wrong?" As the words fell, a tall and chilly beauty with an expression like frozen frost approached.

The icy beauty was wearing a black cinched-waist long dress, with a goose-yellow ribbon tied around her willowy waist, exuding a noble and aloof temperament all over. From a distance, she looked like a sacred snow lotus that must not be desecrated.

Wang Hao's mind raced uncontainably, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Seeing Wang Hao's expression, the cold beauty glanced at him with disgust.

The little loli pointed with her fair finger at Wang Hao and said, "Cousin, this weird uncle is cursing at me!"

Without a word, the cold beauty just gave Wang Hao a chilling look that could freeze someone to death, her arms crossed as she awaited an explanation.

Wang Hao reclined on the backrest, pointing to the seat number, and said, "Hey, little girl, I was referring to the seat number being 2B, I never said you were 2B. Why the outrage?"

After Wang Hao's explanation, the cold beauty checked the seat number and the boarding pass of the loli and said, "Yiyi, the one next to it is our seat."

The loli gritted her tiny white teeth so hard they almost squeaked, wishing she could eat Wang Hao alive.

However, since she had mistaken the seat number herself and was at fault first, she couldn't quite make a scene and could only huff resentfully before returning to her seat.

As soon as they took the seats next to Wang Hao, a light fragrance wafted over, captivating and enchanting.

Wang Hao had spent nine solid years in the army. He even found himself looking over his shoulder when he encountered a sow midway. Let alone now, when he had two breathtaking beauties seated next to him.

At that moment, the loli was engrossed in playing Whac-A-Mole on her iPhone, her delicate fingers jabbing fiercely at the screen, muttering under her breath, "Weirdo! How dare he curse at me! I'll jab, jab, jab you dead!"

Seeing this, Wang Hao smirked and said, "Hey, little girl, the plane's about to take off. You should turn off your phone..."

But before he could finish his sentence, the loli shot him a lethal roll of the eyes and snapped, "You're the little girl! Your whole family are little girls!"

"Uh..." Wang Hao didn't expect the loli to have such a fierce temper and was momentarily speechless.

Just as things were getting awkward, the cold beauty scolded softly, "Yiyi, no mischief. How many times have I told you to turn off your phone when the plane is about to take off?"

The loli responded with an "Oh," and while she pressed the power button on her phone to turn it off, she still gave Wang Hao a fierce glare.

The cold beauty smiled apologetically at Wang Hao and said, "I'm sorry, children don't understand. Please pardon her!"

Wang Hao was transfixed, and if it weren't for his decent self-control, he would probably have drooled by then.

"Cousin, I'm almost sixteen already, how am I little?" While speaking, she even deliberately straightened herself to prove she had grown up and was no longer a child.

"Yiyi, stop it!"

Wang Hao gave an embarrassed smile and made idle conversation, "Miss, are you also heading to Donghua City?"

Before Wang Hao could finish, the loli cut in, "Isn't that obvious? This is an airplane, not a bus you can flag down whenever."

After saying that, she added disdainfully, "Ignorance is scary!"

Wang Hao felt ashamed. The little lass was young, but why was her mouth so venomous?

The aloof beauty apologized with a small smile, "Hmm, I'm working in Donghua City!"

"What work?" Wang Hao didn't miss the chance to ask.

The beauty paused briefly before responding, "Service industry!"

Hearing "service industry", Wang Hao's eyes lit up.

"Service industry is good, Chairman Mao once said, we should serve the people. By the way, where do you work? I'll definitely come to patronize when I have the chance!"

Seeing this, a scornful light flashed in the cold beauty's eyes as she smiled indifferently, "Sure, I work in the forensic research office of the city bureau. My main duty is: dissecting corpses!"

"Uh..." Wang Hao's forehead broke out in metaphorical black lines again.

No wonder she was so cold, it turned out she was someone who often deals with corpses.

The little loli Yiyi, seeing Wang Hao's odd expression, giggled behind her hand.

Then, she took a business card from the cold beauty's bag and handed it over to Wang Hao.

"Hehe, this is my cousin's business card. You're welcome to visit. My cousin is very skilled, having dissected over a hundred bodies without a single mistake!"

At this moment, Wang Hao felt the urge to curse. This little loli was really toxic.

However, as a gentleman, he still accepted the business card. He glanced at it briefly out of the corner of his eye.

Name: Mo Ran

Position: Deputy Director of the City Bureau Forensic Research Office!


There was also the city bureau's stamp on it, indicating that this cold beauty was indeed a forensic pathologist.

Thinking this, Wang Hao couldn't help but sneak another glance at those pale, jade-like hands from the corner of his eye.

It was impossible for anyone to associate such perfect hands with disgusting corpses.

Two hours later, the airplane arrived at Donghua City Airport.

Yiyi blinked her watery eyes and said, "Cousin, my sister just texted, she's stuck in traffic. It'll be half an hour before she can pick us up!"

Mo Ran didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

Just at that moment, a man wearing a duckbill cap hurried past them, brushing against Yiyi's backpack.

"Sorry, sorry, my child has had an accident and is in the hospital, I'm in a hurry to get there..." The man in the duckbill cap apologized while walking towards the exit.

"It's okay, uncle, be careful where you're going!" Yiyi, kind-hearted, quickly replied.

"Thank you, young lady, you truly are a good person!" The man in the duckbill cap replied offhandedly and hurried toward the exit.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao, walking behind, couldn't help shaking his head.

"Alas, still an innocent girl, unaware of the wickedness of the world!"

After a sigh, he quickly stepped forward and blocked the man in the duckbill cap's path.

Seeing someone in his way, the man in the duckbill cap's face immediately tensed, "Excuse me, sir, please let me through, my child has had an accident and is hospitalized. I'm in a hurry to get there!"

Seeing this, the always righteous Yiyi became unhappy.

"Hey, creepy uncle, he's going to the hospital to see his child, why are you being so mean, blocking his way?"

Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders, ignoring little loli Yiyi, and instead gave a cold smile to the man in the duckbill cap, "Buddy, I don't care if you're going to the hospital to see your child, but it's not right to take someone's belongings without permission, right?"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, a panic surfaced on the man in the duckbill cap's face.

"You, you, what are you talking about? I haven't taken anything from anyone!"

"Hehe, I'm talking nonsense, then what's that in your pocket?"

As he spoke, Wang Hao prepared to reach into the man in the duckbill cap's pocket.