Chapter 7 Going for a job interview!

Ye Zixuan blinked her expressive big eyes, and asked very seriously, "Uncle, our school is currently recruiting security guards. Would you like to take a look?"

Wang Hao originally wanted to refuse, but seeing how earnest Ye Zixuan was, he inexplicably nodded and agreed.

At the recruitment site of Donghua University, it was an ocean of people. All one could see were crowds of heads as far as the eye could see.

After all, Donghua University was famous for its abundance of beauties...

A woman dressed in a black dress, strikingly gorgeous, slammed her hand on the table and shouted at the crowd, "The preliminary interviews today have filled six vacancies. Everyone else can go home!"

Wang Hao just arrived when he heard this disheartening news, feeling a touch of faint sadness.

Ye Zixuan glanced at Wang Hao apologetically and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I didn't know they had already filled the spots!"

Wang Hao laughed it off and pointing at the formally dressed beauty, asked, "Who is that woman? She looks quite cold."

While saying this, Wang Hao even pretended to shiver.

Ye Zixuan followed the direction Wang Hao was pointing in and replied, "She's the leader of our school's security department, Qin Xue!"

Just then, the rejected male candidates suddenly burst into an uproar, clamoring loudly.

"With such scorching sun, we came here to line up for interviews. And you're telling us the interviews are over? Are you playing with us?"

"Exactly, it's clear we're being made fools of!"

"There's definitely something fishy going on here. Perhaps vacancies were predetermined, and this recruitment is just a formality."


Seeing this scene, Wang Hao's lips curled into a smug smile. He squeezed through the crowd and walked confidently onto the stage.

When Qin Xue saw someone approaching, her eyebrows furrowed slightly and she asked, "What are you trying to do?"

Wang Hao smiled faintly and asked, "May I ask, Director Qin, what are the requirements for your recruitment?"

Qin Xue looked Wang Hao up and down and replied, "A clear political background with no criminal record, and good character. And one must also be skilled physically!"

Wang Hao nodded and replied, "My family has been poor for eight generations, with roots as red as can be. As for myself, I've always been a good student from childhood, even earning several red flowers in kindergarten. Helping elderly ladies across the street is an everyday affair. Regarding physical skills...

At this point, Wang Hao glanced at the six overjoyed men and smacking his lips, said, "As for my physical skills, they are passable. Knocking all six of them down at once shouldn't be too difficult for me!"

Upon hearing Wang Hao's words, the previously boisterous scene instantly quieted down.

Qin Xue was also startled. She knew that these six were carefully selected, each with first-class abilities, including two with martial arts family backgrounds.

Yet she hadn't expected Wang Hao to boast so shamelessly, claiming he could take on all six by himself.

After three seconds of astonishment, Qin Xue came to a conclusion about Wang Hao: all talk, no action.

All were hot-blooded men who valued their reputation above all.

One muscular man among the six stepped forward, pointed at Wang Hao's nose, and scolded, "Bro, bragging might just get you struck by lightning!"

As he spoke, he swung his pot-sized fist towards Wang Hao's face.

Wang Hao dodged to the side with an easy sidestep.

Before the brawny man could strike again, Wang Hao quickly stepped forward and rammed his shoulder hard against him.

The muscular man was sent flying and landed on the ground in a clumsy heap.

Seeing this, the other five men were startled. They looked at each other, eyes wide with surprise.

Wang Hao clapped his hands and said, "Don't just stand there, come at me together. Let's not waste everyone's time!"

The five men hesitated for a moment and then rushed at him, fists flying.

Wang Hao, without a trace of evasion, threw punches with the force of a tiger descending a mountain and kicked like the Dragon Tail Swing. In a matter of moments, he had them lying on the ground, groaning.

Wang Hao dusted himself off and said nonchalantly, "Okay, that's a wrap!"


Deafening silence!

The silence of death!

In less than twenty seconds, he had disposed of six muscular men. Those unaware might have thought they were witnessing the filming of a movie!

Wang Hao glanced across the faces of the crowd, slapped his fist against the stone lion at the school gate, and shouted, "Any more objectors? Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!"

Before Wang Hao could finish speaking, the head of the stone lion suddenly cracked and fell to the ground with a clang, right before everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Hao furrowed his brows and muttered to himself, "What the heck, was that stone lion made of tofu dregs? I barely tapped it, and its head fell off?"
