Chapter 9: Successful Interview!

He Yuqing's face suddenly turned deathly pale as she dialed the phone, fine beads of sweat forming on her forehead before sliding down.

Seeing this, Wang Hao quickly moved forward to support her.

"What's wrong?"

He Yuqing spoke with some difficulty, "It's the old ailment acting up!"

Hearing her words, Wang Hao hurriedly took her pulse and said, "Your condition is extremely critical right now, I will give you acupuncture immediately!"

After steadying his mind, he took out a gleaming silver needle from the acupuncture kit he carried with him.

"It might hurt a bit at the beginning, just bear with it, it will be over soon!"

"Okay, good," He Yuqing responded in pain.

Wang Hao quickly started his work, the first silver needle slowly sinking into He Yuqing's abdomen at the Shenque Acupoint.

The second and third needles were respectively inserted into the Guanyuan Acupoint and the Zhongji Acupoint.

Wang Hao then used the "plum blossom touch" technique, massaging three acupoints within the central area of He Yuqing's abdomen: Guili, Chong, and Chongmen.

"How are you feeling now, any better?"

He Yuqing felt that the excruciating abdominal pain she had been experiencing earlier had greatly subsided under the dual stimulation of Wang Hao's needles and massage.

Just then, someone opened the office door.

Qin Xue hurried over.

"Sister He, how are you feeling?"

As Qin Xue ran in, she saw several shiny silver needles sticking out of He Yuqing's head and was immediately startled.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Hao removed the needles and said nonchalantly, "What else would I be doing, but treating ailments with acupuncture!"

After saying this, Wang Hao turned his attention back to He Yuqing without giving Qin Xue another thought and asked, "How are you feeling now, much better isn't it?"

He Yuqing nodded and replied, "Yes, indeed a lot better!"

He Yuqing gently wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, turned to Qin Xue and said, "Xue, you've come at the right time, take Wang Hao to the legal department, let them draw up a contract, pay him as a regular employee!"

Upon hearing He Yuqing's words, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel secretly thrilled. Being paid as a regular employee meant that he was skipping the probation period altogether!

Qin Xue's brows knitted slightly in half doubt and half belief, she asked, "Wang Hao, does your acupuncture really cure diseases?"

Wang Hao patted his chest, solemnly guaranteeing, "Traditional Chinese medicine passed down through generations, three hundred years, venerable brand, the absolute essence of Chinese culture!"

Seeing Wang Hao's exaggerated claims, Qin Xue was somewhat skeptical.

After all, all the Chinese medicine practitioners she had seen were white-haired elders.

She hadn't seen many young ones like Wang Hao.

Yet the real situation with He Yuqing was right before her eyes, making it hard for her not to believe.

"All right then, follow me!"

Legal Department of the School:

When the girls in the legal department saw Qin Xue leading a man in, they all crowded around.

"Sister Xue, is this your boyfriend? He's so handsome!"

"Truly, you and Sister Xue make such a beautiful couple, a perfect match!"

Qin Xue's cheeks turned a shade of pink as she quickly explained, "No, it's not like that, Zhao Li, Zhang Hong, you've got it wrong. He's a new member of our school's staff, responsible for the security of the female dormitories!"

Wang Hao showed off eight shining white teeth, smiling and saying, "I'm Wang Hao, 'wang' as in prince and 'hao' as in the bright moon. We'll be colleagues from now on, so I'll be counting on your guidance!"

Qin Xue waved her hand and said, "Zhang Hong, go and draft up a contract, no probation period, and pay him as a regular employee!"

Zhang Hong was taken aback and said, "Uh, no probation period? That's a first for our school!"

Qin Xue smiled awkwardly and said, "This was personally arranged by Sister He, just draft the contract that way!"

"Oh, okay!" Since it was an order from Principal He herself, Zhang Hong, being just a junior employee, naturally didn't dare to question it.

It must be said that Zhang Hong's efficiency was quite high. In less than ten minutes, a brand new contract was ready.

"Sister Xue, please review it!"

Qin Xue briefly looked it over and then handed it to Wang Hao, saying, "Take a look, if there's nothing wrong, sign it!"

Wang Hao waved his hand and said, "No need to read, just tell me where to sign!"

"Last page, bottom right corner!" Zhang Hong casually responded.

"Thank you!" Wang Hao thanked her, then made a flourish with the pen, signing his name swiftly.

At that moment, a man's voice came from outside the door.

"Xue, so that's where you are, no wonder I couldn't find you!"

Before the words had completely fallen, a young man decked out in a black shirt, black trousers, wearing a tie, and with slick, well-groomed hair strode in, carrying a bouquet of bright red roses in his hand.