Chapter 19: Yiyi, who likes to spoil the fun! (Revised Chapter)

Hearing Lin Yiyi's teasing, Wang Hao's face was covered in chagrin.

He too wished to show up for the date in a luxurious stretch limo, but his pockets were empty now; he just couldn't afford it!

Lin Shihan was worried that if her younger sister continued her shenanigans, Wang Hao might be left unable to save face, which could turn the situation awkward for everyone, so she quickly intervened.

"Yiyi, that's enough, don't be too much!" she said.

Yiyi, somewhat heeding her sister's words, rolled her eyes at Wang Hao and then continued to focus on playing Whac-A-Mole.

Lin Shihan gave Wang Hao a wry smile and asked, "Wang Hao, I heard you found a job?"

Wang Hao nodded and replied, "Yes, as a security guard at Donghua University!"

Upon hearing Wang Hao's answer, a complex ripple flickered through Lin Shihan's clear eyes.