Chapter 17 Lin Shihan's Call! (Revised Chapter)

Wang Hao glowered fiercely at the group of security guards and scolded, "If you don't want the old man to pass away, stop causing trouble!"

Upon hearing Wang Hao's scolding, the security guards all looked at each other in dismay with bewildered expressions on their faces.

Wang Hao took out three silver needles from his acupuncture bag and inserted them into the Xinshu, Shenting, and Fengmen acupoints respectively.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." The elder suddenly coughed out a mouthful of sticky black blood and slowly opened his eyes.

"Dad, you're awake, you really scared me to death just now!" The beautiful young woman saw the elder wake up and her face was filled with joy.

The elder glanced at the beautiful young woman and said, "Xiangzhu, I'm fine, no need to cry. By the way, who saved me just now?"

The beautiful young woman wiped away her tears and looked around, her gaze finally resting on Wang Hao, and said, "Dad, it was this young man who saved you!"