Chapter 27: More Wronged Than Dou E! (Revised Chapter)

Qin Xue seemed to be tired from all the tossing and turning, and stopped kicking off the covers, beginning to snore heavily.

At this moment, she was curled up, shivering incessantly, and muttering to herself nonstop, "Cold, cold, so cold..."

Seeing this, Wang Hao slightly furrowed his brows, quickly stepped forward, and touched Qin Xue's forehead.

It was a bit hot, she seemed to have a fever!

Just as Wang Hao was about to go get a cup of hot water for Qin Xue, a hand suddenly gripped his wrist tightly.

"Cold, so cold, hug me, hug me..."

Looking at Qin Xue's trembling form, Wang Hao's heart softened, and acting on impulse, he lay down beside Qin Xue and pulled her into his arms.

At this time, Qin Xue was like a child desperately lacking a sense of security, burying her little head deep into Wang Hao's chest, falling into a deep sleep, and even a faint smile began to play on the corners of her mouth.

"Ah, ah, ah..."