Chapter 25: Paying Debts is Only Natural!

However, when he entered the bar, he suddenly realized that the spot where Qin Xue had been was now empty.

Wang Hao's eye caught a quick sweep of his surroundings, but still, he couldn't find Qin Xue.

Realizing this, a sense of panic rose in Wang Hao's heart. Qin Xue had already been so drunk that she was out of it, and the bar was a hotspot for lechers. What if she had been...

At that thought, Wang Hao didn't dare to continue thinking any further. He rushed over and grabbed a bartender by the collar, demanding, "Where's the girl who was drinking here just now?"

The bartender was stunned and stammered, "Someone took her away!"

"Who took her away?"

"I dare not say!"

"You dare not say, huh? Believe it or not, I'll kill you right here?" Before his words even finished, Wang Hao was already choking the bartender by the neck.

The bartender's face turned red as he struggled to speak, "You, you, let go of me, I'll tell, I'll tell... Black Panther took her away!"