Chapter 42 Where Did Daddy Go?

Two punks strutted forward with arrogance after receiving orders from their boss. They each grabbed one of Wang Hao's arms and headed toward the nearby alleyway.

The onlookers around them shook their heads and sighed upon seeing this scene. Their eyes were filled with sympathy as they looked at Wang Hao.

The Eyeball Man and his gang had been entrenched at the subway entrance for some time, operating crimes like begging, theft, robbery, harassment, and taking upskirt photos of women.

It was unclear whether they were too brazen or had strong enough backing, but they always managed to get away unscathed.

Moreover, many of the well-intending vigilantes who stepped in met with their revenge. Some were even beaten so badly they sustained comminuted fractures all over and were left with lifelong disabilities.

An old melon seller, reminded of his son who worked on the construction site, sneakily took out his basic phone when no one was looking and dialed the police.