Chapter 61 How About a Bet?

Seeing Lin Shihan's worried expression, Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and teased her with a smile, "Wifey, are you concerned about me?"

When Lin Shihan saw that Wang Hao was still joking around at this time, she gave him a sharp look, "Get lost, like I care about you!"

Wang Hao pouted and said, "So you don't believe in my abilities, huh!"

Lin Shihan didn't reply. It wasn't that she didn't believe in Wang Hao; she just felt that with his current injuries, he shouldn't be competing.

What if something unexpected happened again? How could she be at peace with that?

Seeing that Lin Shihan didn't say anything, Wang Hao chuckled and said, "Wifey, dare to make a bet with me?"

Caught off guard by his words, Lin Shihan's bright eyes blinked in the air and she asked, "What bet?"

Wang Hao thought for a moment and then said, "How about betting whether I can knock down that gorilla within one minute, what do you say?"