Chapter 65: Flower Girl!

Zhao Shanchuan gave an awkward smile and hurriedly changed the subject, saying, "Mr. Wang studied in the United Kingdom, right? I studied in the United States. As you know, British English and American English pronunciations are quite different. It's normal for you not to understand; it's just like how we can't understand Cantonese and Hokkien – same logic!"

Wang Hao rubbed the tip of his nose and replied nonchalantly, "I can understand both Cantonese and Hokkien, though!"

"Uh..." Zhao Shanchuan's complexion worsened, and he barely squeezed out a smile to mask his inner embarrassment.

He had tried to make a dig at someone else, only to have it backfire.

Wang Hao raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, since Mr. Zhao has studied in the United States, you should be able to understand French, right?"

Zhao Shanchuan was taken aback upon hearing this. He had thought that Wang Hao was posing the question merely to show off his own erudition.