Chapter 71: Super Dirty Lin Yiyi

When Lin Yiyi uttered "having an affair," she emphasized those words particularly heavily.

Hearing "having an affair," He Yuqing's face instantly turned red.

Wang Hao's face was the picture of awkwardness. Hadn't he checked the almanac before leaving the house? Why had he run into little demoness Lin Yiyi again?

Noticing He Yuqing's strange expression and recalling that they had just come out of the small woods, Lin Yiyi revealed a "I get it" smile.

"Brother-in-law, are you cheating on my sister again? The apricot tree has climbed the wall, hasn't it?"

As she spoke, she intentionally made a climbing gesture, which looked quite comical.

"What do you mean 'cheating,' what 'apricot tree climbing the wall'? Yiyi, don't talk nonsense. Principal He and I are bona fide boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Lin Yiyi looked disdainful and giggled, "Oh wow, you're boyfriend and girlfriend, and you still have a 'proper relationship'?"