Chapter 76: Beautiful Girl Lin Yiyi

Blood oozed faintly from the corners of the Dongying woman's mouth. Under the cold moonlight, it appeared somewhat chilling.

Wang Hao stepped forward, smiling coldly, and said, "The moonlight tonight is lovely, no matter what despicable torture I try on you, it will all be a wonderful time!"

The Dongying woman clenched her teeth tightly, managing to squeeze out two words with great difficulty, "Devil!"

Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders and replied with a cold laugh, "Exactly, I am the devil, one that can make you wish for death. I advise you to just talk, there's really no need to hold out!"

The Dongying woman didn't answer, but instead showed a strange smile, staring fixedly at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was shocked and was about to take action when the Dongying woman's head suddenly tilted, and she collapsed onto the ground. Black and red blood flowed out from her nose, mouth, and eyes, looking particularly frightening.

Seeing this, a serious look flashed across Wang Hao's bright eyes.