Chapter 108 Wang Hao's Tactics (Seeking Recommendations)


Jin Dafa's chubby cheeks trembled slightly as he heard Wang Hao use his own words against him.

Cold murderous intent flashed through his sinister eyes as he sneered, "Good, that's more interesting. I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Having spoken, Jin Dafa waved a hand toward the four henchmen behind him—Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron—and said, "Cripple him, but leave him breathing!"

The four henchmen, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, respectfully nodded their heads and positioned themselves in a pinwheel formation, two in front and two behind, surrounding Wang Hao.

Seeing this, Wang Hao remained immovable as a mountain, a faint smile flickering across the corners of his mouth. These four individuals, although trained fighters, were not in his league.

The only person in the entire private room who could pose a slight challenge to Wang Hao was the dark-faced man called Old Black.
