Chapter 133: The Beatable Dongying Ronin (Seeking Recommendations)

In the Hotpot City: A Dongying man with a beard shaped like the number eight saw Ye Ning eating hotpot alone and became lustful.

"Yo xi, pretty girl, let's have some fun together!"

Ye Ning blinked, looking bewildered at the Dongying ronin.

Seeing Ye Ning looking at him, the Dongying ronin felt as if his heart was being scratched by a cat and tried to grab her delicate hand.

Ye Ning was shocked and let out a scream, instinctively taking a step back.

Other diners all looked over upon hearing Ye Ning's scream.

However, not a single person stepped forward to stop it.

In these times, getting involved was considered worse than staying out of it, especially when the other party was a "foreign friend."

When locals lose a car and report it to the police, unless it's a luxury car, you just file a report and then wait for notification. It could be three to five days, three to five years, or even a lifetime; in any case, it all depends on your luck, right?