Chapter 202: The Powerhouse Film Emperor: Wang Hao

"Fuck, Zixiang, what the hell are you doing?" Wang Hao frowned when he saw Guo Zixiang panting as he ran over, followed by a large crowd and dogs.

Guo Zixiang caught his breath and quickly went over the events once.

Just then, the village chief, leading the village men and a pack of large wolfdogs, came over imposingly.

The village chief was livid, pointing at Guo Zixiang's nose and cursing, "You two outsiders, not paying for your purchases and daring to flirt with my daughter-in-law, kicking my dogs. Do you think the men of Dawang Village are easy to bully?"

Wang Hao's eyes turned as he promptly grabbed Guo Zixiang's arm with a textbook arrest technique.

Guo Zixiang was completely confused, about to shout, but Wang Hao stopped him with a look.

Wang Hao intentionally cleared his throat and shouted, "Respected elders and folks, please quiet down and listen to me!"