Chapter 204: River Chase (Seeking Recommendations)

Seeing several traffic police charging over in a fury, Wang Hao couldn't help but frown.

The pile-up had caused quite a commotion, and if they were to get caught by the police, troubles would surely follow one after another.

The traffic police had no guns, not even a rubber baton -- though they looked fierce, in Wang Hao's eyes, they were no different from street thugs with the fighting power of dirt. It was just that their yellow vests were somewhat glaring.

Forget it, getting into a fight would make the aftermath more troublesome. Better to follow the best plan of the thirty-six stratagems -- retreat!

With that thought, Wang Hao no longer hesitated, grabbed Guo Zixiang, and took off in a mad dash.

"Zixiang, let's go, to the docks!"

"You two, stop right there!"

The traffic police pursued tirelessly, but after running through two streets, they were huffing and puffing, and by the time they looked for Wang Hao again, he had already disappeared without a trace.