Chapter 212: Encounter with a Wolf Pack (Seeking Recommendations)

"Boss, up ahead is Canglang Ridge!" a mercenary pointed to the undulating peaks in front of them and reported to Iceberg.

Iceberg gazed into the distance, his eyes like a predator's, glinting coldly, and he nodded slightly.

"Awoooo, awoooo..."

Just then, a series of wolf howls came from the distant mountains.

In an instant, ghostly lights flickered, wavering uncertainly like will-o'-the-wisps.

A sharp-eyed mercenary shouted in alarm, "Not good, the wolves are coming!"

It was a large pack of wolves, easily numbering over a hundred.

Leading them was a snow-white Silver Wolf, twice the size of an ordinary adult wolf. Its eerie green eyes were flashing viciously, shining brightly under the cold moonlight.

Seeing this, the mercenaries couldn't help but feel a surge of horror, gripping their firearms tightly and entering a state of high alert, ready to face the wolf pack at any moment.

But Iceberg remained calm, waving his hand to his men, signaling them not to shoot.