Chapter 217 King of Blades Dongfang Tao

Seeing the emaciated old man, Wang Hao's heart suddenly sank.

The opponent's martial arts were unfathomably deep; even at his prime, he might not have been a match for him.

But to sit and wait for death was not Wang Hao's style!

At this point, only a desperate battle could offer a glimmer of hope for survival!

Steadying his mind, Wang Hao gritted his teeth, and with his Wolf Spike in hand, he lunged at the emaciated old man like a starving tiger pouncing on a rabbit.

The emaciated old man was unhurried, casually waving his sleeve to neutralize Wang Hao's attack.

Wang Hao's heart seized with shock and instantly changed his techniques, unleashing a Dragon Tail Swing.

The emaciated old man smiled faintly, his fingers slightly curved, moving as swift as the wind, he directly caught Wang Hao's ankle.

Wang Hao pushed hard, but the old man's fingers were like iron pincers, gripping his ankle tightly, immobilizing him.