Chapter 240: The Same Earth (Sixth Release, Please Subscribe)

Gao Qian'er made a grand entrance, her tall frame like an ethereal orchid standing upright with grace. Long, delicate eyelashes and eyes like autumn waters, her fair skin like jade, and devilish body curves that, from afar, gave her the appearance of an immortal, breathtakingly beautiful.

Standing confidently on the stage, Gao Qian'er glanced around at the audience.

When she caught sight of Wang Hao, her finely arched eyebrows couldn't help but knit together slightly, and a ripple of excitement stirred in her autumnal eyes.

Was it really him?

Instantly, everyone's gaze followed Gao Qian'er's to Wang Hao. They couldn't help but wonder why the granddaughter of the Ship King favored only him.

"Miss Gao," the host, noticing Gao Qian'er's slight lapse in composure, gently reminded her in a low voice.

Gao Qian'er quickly regained her composure, cleared her throat, and after uttering a few courteous opening remarks, she dived straight into the main topic and turned on the projector.