Chapter 244: A Kick KO (Extra for Helmsmaster Memorable Moments)

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Titan, asking, "Are you Titan?"

Titan nodded heavily and replied, "Yes, I am Titan!"

Wang Hao asked, "I heard that you're quite the underground boxing king in Southeast Asia, fighting with a notorious reputation."

Titan seemed very proud and said, "It's just a fancy title given by friends in the circle, not worth mentioning!"

Wang Hao put on an impressed look and said, "Oh, then I hope you'll go easy on me when we spar later!"

Titan had a fairly good impression of Wang Hao, so he nodded heavily and said, "Of course, the point of martial arts is to meet friends, just to touch, right!"

Tao Xuan, seeing that Wang Hao and Titan were chatting endlessly, couldn't help frowning and said coldly, "Wang Hao, you seem to have a lot of nonsense. I suspect you are deliberately stalling for time?"

Wang Hao curled his lip and said, "Fine, no more nonsense!"

After that, he looked at Titan and asked, "Can we start now?"

"Of course!"
