Chapter 16 Dad, I'm Back

"Brother, brother! Don't go, wait for me!" Zhao Yang had just stepped out of the hospital doors when Yang Wei came running after him.

Zhao Yang turned around and asked, "Is there something else? I'm already very tired."

"No, no," Yang Wei was panting heavily as he caught up to Zhao Yang, his forehead dripping with sweat.

"Just don't drink too much of that wine, only a small cup each time." Zhao Yang knew Yang Wei was eager, yet he still advised him to take it slow, firmly believing in the adage "too much of anything is not good."

However, Zhao Yang knew that, being depressed for so long, Yang Wei would definitely not stick to just one small cup on his first time.

"Don't worry, brother," Yang Wei laughed boisterously as he grabbed Zhao Yang's hand, then turned and beckoned to the driver, Xiao Wu, who came running out from the hospital entrance.

Only then did Yang Wei say, "Brother, where are you headed? I'll have Xiao Wu drive you."