Chapter 20 Zhao Yang, He Hit Me!

In Li Family Village, Zhao Yang found enemies all around—everyone kept their distance from him, except for a few children in the village who revered Zhao Yang like a deity.

In their eyes, Zhao Yang was an invincible presence.

"Zhao Yang, my mom said you came back and told me not to look for you," said a smaller child.

"Listen to your mother," Zhao Yang replied with a smile.

All the villagers kept their children from getting too close to Zhao Yang, as if speaking a word to him would bring the misfortune of a disaster star.

Whenever the children told Zhao Yang about this, he would just laugh it off.

"I'm not listening to my mom, I want to be like Zhao Yang. When I grow up, I'll go out and make my way in the world!"

"Go out and make your way in the world? Look at you, you spud!" Sanwa laughed and teased.

"Sanwa, just you wait, I'll grow taller than you one day!" Xiaopi retorted angrily.