Chapter 34 Outrageous Price!

Zhao Yang glanced at the man and immediately noticed that he shared the same problem as Yang Wei, nodded slightly, and said, "I still have a few jars of the wine you're looking for at home."

"That's fantastic," the middle-aged man said with great joy, "Name your price, I'll take them all!"

"What, you'll take them all?"

Upon hearing this, the few people sitting around grew discontent, chiming in, "Big Zhou, you really had the nerve to say that!"

"You're really damn greedy!"

"Have you no shame? If you're taking all, then I'm taking all as well!"

Seeing that he had become the target of everyone's anger, Big Zhou kept a straight face and chuckled, saying, "Guys, it's been several months since any of us have been with a woman, let's be reasonable here."

"Reason with your grandma's leg!" everyone cursed in response, "Did I come all this way just to play with you?"