Chapter 67: Be My Dog!

Zhao Yang was relatively satisfied with Xu Biao's response and nodded, saying, "Now you have two choices. Here's the first one, I'll have Director Yang extend your room rent for a few more days, say about ten days. You guys just lie here and rest up during that time. For these ten days, I guarantee no one will come in to disturb you. If you're still alive after ten days when the rent is up, the hotel staff will naturally come in and let you out."

Xu Biao panicked inside. Although he didn't have much formal education, he knew one thing: humans can only last at most seven days without food or water. After ten days, they'd definitely be starved to death!

"And the second option?" Xu Biao asked eagerly.

"The second option is much safer," Zhao Yang said with a playful look in his eyes. "But first let me ask you a question. Are you guys underlings of Zou Liyu?"

