Chapter 103: An Unexpected Turn

"Ah, brother, our police station has been looking for you for many days, never thought you would actually be here!"

Xiao Mingshan's face was suddenly filled with joy, turning red, while Zhao Yang vaguely felt that things were not going the way he had thought.

Indeed, Xiao Mingshan walked over with a smile, patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder, and said, "Brother, you really did a great deed last time!"

"Chief Xiao, what on earth is going on?" Li Xingkui couldn't help but ask.

"Village Chief Li, your village has produced a capable person!" Xiao Mingshan said happily while turning his head.

"A capable person?" Li Xingkui looked curiously at Zhao Yang, thinking to himself that this youngster was indeed "capable".

"Haven't you heard about the bus hijacking incident that happened a while ago? It was even reported in the newspapers," Xiao Mingshan said.

"Oh, that incident!" Li Xingkui nodded, recalling that there was such a matter.