Chapter 111: Why Would I Come to You if There's Nothing Wrong?

Zhao Yang's success in curing Xu Xin indeed spread widely throughout the village.

Li Xingwen's advice was indeed a smart move!

Performing surgery, removing an appendix; many doctors can do that, nothing remarkable—just proof that Zhao Yang can heal. But curing Xu Xin, that's a big deal.

Who in the village didn't know that Old Xu visited many places and consulted numerous doctors to treat his son?

Who in the village didn't know how much money Old Xu spent and how much debt he accrued?

Everyone in the village knew that Old Xu had ruined his home in order to treat his son.

Yet Zhao Yang actually cured his son!

Zhao Yang cured an idiot!

So many major hospitals, so many specialists were helpless with the condition, but Zhao Yang cured it!

Incredible, truly incredible!

From the villagers' eyes, Zhao Yang saw a different kind of sentiment than before.

Surprise, curiosity, admiration, approval, and some feelings Zhao Yang couldn't quite identify.