Chapter 113 Big Zhou

Emerging from the village chief's office, the accountant Yang, who had been sweeping the yard, was no longer there. Zhao Yang walked out the door feeling quite displeased.

He turned his head to glance at the sign of the village compound, wishing he could deliver a kick to it.

That plot of land was clearly unused, but Li Xingkui insisted on waiting for the leaders to return and hold a meeting before he could approve it. It had been dragged out for so long, and now they were saying there was already a plan for it, to be used for something else. Wasn't this just playing games with people!

Right then, his phone rang.

Zhao Yang answered the call, and it was Big Zhou's voice.

"Brother, how's everything going lately?" Big Zhou asked cheerily over the phone.

"Lately... well, there are good things and bad things, but overall, it's not too bad," Zhao Yang replied.

"That's good to hear. By the way, how's the distillery business coming along?"