Chapter 123 You Don't Know Shit

"Li Jiahuan, you are the village chief's daughter and the younger sister of Li's eldest and second sons. I really shouldn't say anything, but look at how you're dressed. Do you look like a student?" Zhao Yang couldn't help but say.

"Oh, you're lecturing me?"

Hearing Zhao Yang's words, Li Jiahuan suddenly adopted a flirtatious demeanor, coquettishly saying, "Looks like you still care about me."

Zhao Yang's mouth twitched, as he had imagined that Li Jiahuan would react angrily or even retort sarcastically, so why was she putting on this kind of act?

Zhao Yang, being a man, naturally did not understand a woman's thoughts. In a woman's eyes, it was most important that a man pay attention to her and keep her in his heart.

If Zhao Yang had ignored her with an indifferent attitude, Li Jiahuan would have been the one to get angry. But now, Zhao Yang was actually showing concern for her!