Chapter 161: Do You Understand or Not?

Su Xiaoyue's eyes were red and slightly swollen, seemingly from an argument with her family just before leaving home.

Unconsciously, she snuggled up to Zhao Yang's shoulder.

It wasn't the first time she had leaned on his shoulder; after a close call in the car once before, she had rested on Zhao Yang's shoulder just like this. The feeling was truly comforting and gave a strong sense of security.

"Zhao Yang, look at that constellation, that's Aquarius, my star sign," Su Xiaoyue pointed towards the horizon and said to Zhao Yang.

"Oh," Zhao Yang nodded, unsure what to say; he didn't understand much about star signs.

Su Xiaoyue hugged Zhao Yang tighter, gazing into the vast sky and said leisurely, "I wish time could just stop right here, and we could snuggle like this, forever."

"That won't do," Zhao Yang replied.

"Why not?" Su Xiaoyue asked in surprise.

"We would starve to death in seven days," he answered.