Chapter 204: Brain's Fried!

"I was with a woman last night, so what?" Zhao Yang didn't want to hide it, plus, even if he wanted to, there was no need to hide it from Li Jiahuan.

"Look at you, Zhao Yang, girls flock to you wherever you go. Why didn't you bring one back for me to see?" Li Jiahuan said with a mocking tone.

"What are you even, expecting me to show you?" Zhao Yang retorted coldly.

Li Jiahuan's face changed, and he said, "What kind of attitude is that?"

"What kind of attitude do you want?" Zhao Yang replied coldly.

"School started today, and I didn't leave just to wait for you!" Li Jiahuan exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Is that so, but I didn't ask you to wait for me," Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Zhao Yang!" Li Jiahuan was even more irritated now.

"I truly didn't ask you to wait for me. If you want to leave, then go. Studying is most important. Oh right, even if you went to school, you wouldn't attend classes. So, if you blame me for you skipping school, wouldn't I be wronged?"