Chapter 216 Two Paths

Zou Liyu ended the call but didn't immediately gather his men to look for Zhao Yang; instead, he continued to drink with a few prison mates.

According to the plan, the afternoon drinks were just an appetizer, and the night's program was the main course.

He intended to take care of Zhao Yang's trouble after the main course, having been in prison for too long, almost two months, without a taste of "meat and fish."

After being held at the police station for a whole day and night yesterday, Zou Liyu had a belly full of anger with nowhere to vent. Fortunately, a young girl had come to his door yesterday, so tonight's program must go on as scheduled, no matter what.

"What's wrong, Brother Yu? Got something on your mind? If you've got an issue, just speak up. We'd risk our lives to help you handle it!" said a prison mate with a face full of horizontal scars.