Chapter 224 Who Said I Was Going to Kill You

Apart from Li Jiahuan, a look of terror was etched on each of the other seven people's faces as they clearly watched Zhao Yang, like a specter, orchestrate Zou Liyu's death.

And to think, he actually had Zou Liyu shoot himself to death!

They knew it was deliberate on Zhao Yang's part, but whether Zhao Yang was human or ghost, they couldn't fathom how he could do such a thing!

Their hearts were filled with immeasurable fear, for if Zhao Yang could kill Zou Liyu like this, killing the remaining seven of them would be just as simple!

If Zhao Yang wished so, none of the seven could survive!

Zou Lita stood there, trembling uncontrollably, when suddenly with a "thump," he fell to his knees in front of Zhao Yang!

His brother was dead, and he was the root of the incident; how could Zhao Yang let him go?

If not for him, none of this would have happened!

Even if Zhao Yang did not plan to kill those six men who had just been released from prison, he would certainly kill him!