Chapter 227 Stop being narcissistic, Sister!

The crime scene was full of doubts, and Xia Bing found a bullet mark on the wall and a bullet in the corner. Various signs indicated that Zou Liyu's suicide was definitely questionable.

However, both the trajectory and direction of the shot that entered Zou Liyu's chest suggested that he indeed shot himself in the chest.

Could it be that someone forced him to commit suicide?

Then, who would that person be?

Xia Bing's train of thought clearly began to veer off track; she stood in place, deep in thought. But by the time she realized this path led nowhere, dawn was already breaking.

Under Xia Bing's orders, the police station staff took statements all night, but when Xia Bing collected the statements, she discovered that everyone's testimonies were almost exactly the same.

Not even a hint that Zhao Yang was a suspect could be found across the entire paper.