Chapter 233: Put on a Bit of Makeup

It was already past eight, and Zhao Yang, not a very patient man, was already feeling restless.

There had once been someone who waited under the women's dormitory at the Police Academy, hoping Xia Bing would give him a chance for a date.

But Xia Bing had mercilessly left him hanging for a full three days, and in the end, the man had no choice but to leave, his hopes dashed.

Interestingly, afterwards that man became good friends with the most popular guy on campus.

Perhaps because of their shared experiences with Xia Bing, they had a lot in common.

Zhao Yang wasn't the first to wait for Xia Bing like this, would she treat him the same as the first guy, leaving him hanging?

If she wanted to, she could completely ignore him by simply not going out tonight and sleeping at the police station instead.

All of a sudden, Xia Bing noticed that raindrops had begun to fall, and soon, the windows were wet with rain.