Chapter 240: Beating the Wife

"Dad, how's the village been lately?" Li Jiazhuang asked.

"What else could there be? No other news, except that Zhao Yang, that boy, is getting too cocky. The day after tomorrow, his distillery will officially open," Li Xingkui said.

"Jiacai even asked me whether he should come back to help us deal with Zhao Yang, and I told him there was no need. I said he should focus on his studies at school. Speaking of which, Zhao Yingtao is getting on pretty well at H University. Just a month after enrolling, even Jiacai knows that quite a few senior students have their eyes on Yingtao. I heard that among those people, there are rich second-generation kids and the like. Tell me, how can those with power and influence in their families take to a country girl?" Li Jiazhuang said mockingly.