Chapter 246 Warning

The old man certainly couldn't stop Zhao Yang, he could only be forcefully barged in on by Zhao Yang. Zhao Yang charged into the factory, shouting as he walked, "Village head, come out and face me!"

"Li Xingkui, come out and face me!"

Hearing Zhao Yang's shouts, many people stopped what they were doing and looked over in his direction.

Everyone in this factory bore the Li surname, not a single outsider among them; they were Li Xingkui's most direct supporters.

Indeed, upon hearing Zhao Yang's shouts, three to five young and strong workers immediately grabbed tools and charged at Zhao Yang, and that wasn't the end of it. Workers continuously appeared from all around, each with unfriendly expressions, slowly forming a circle around Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang remained unfazed, still raising his voice, "Village head, come out, I need to speak with you!"