Chapter 260: The Worthless Cabbage

Li Jiazhuang was born with insufficient innate physical strength. As a child, his vital energy was abundant, in a phase of ascension, so he didn't notice anything wrong. Now, in his prime years, although he is losing some of his vital energy, it's still enough for him to manage for the time being—as long as he doesn't do that particular thing, the problem isn't apparent. After all, Li Jiazhuang has had a congenital weakness since childhood; he's grown accustomed to it over time.

A person can get used to it, but that part of the body remains in a constant state of weakness. Normally, it goes unnoticed, but when he attempts to do that particular thing, the abnormality becomes evident.

The urgent task at hand is to seal the vital energy points through which Li Jiazhuang's vital energy is escaping. As for curing him completely, Zhao Yang currently has no solution.