Chapter 619 That Person!

Indeed, as the translator relayed Zhao Yang's words to the man, his face contorted into a fierce snarl, veins pulsing on his forehead, his eyes shining menacingly as if he were a wild beast!

As for the woman, her reaction wasn't as intense as the man's.

The translator did not know that Zhao Yang had already told Samantha in the hotel that they either comply or die!

At that time, Samantha had already compromised with Zhao Yang!

However, the man was obviously very upset, very defiant, and extremely angry!

The sniper immediately turned his gaze toward Samantha, as if trying to figure out what Samantha really meant.

After all, Samantha was the team leader, even if only two of them were left in the mercenary team, Samantha was still the leader!

Samantha had a pair of jewel-like eyes, which looked incredibly beautiful, a stark contrast to the black eyes of the people from Xuan Country.