Chapter 2 Grandma Gives Away Feng Xuxu's Hand in Marriage Considering Third Aunt's Intentions (2)

"Yeah, Xuxu girl, even though we separated our family finances the year before last, Dad and Mom live with us. Nobody would let Dad and Mom go hungry even if we were starving," the Third Aunt hastily stated, seeing that Grandma hadn't brought up the topic of marrying Feng Xuxu off to her cousin from her maternal family.

Grandma glared at Feng Liang's wife, and as the Second Aunt tried to speak, she was stopped by the Second Uncle. Grandma continued, "Xuxu, your mother passed away early, and then your father followed her. Your brother and your marriages have both been delayed. There was no one at home to arrange these matters for you,"

After sighing, she looked at the two sons and daughters-in-law in the room and addressed, "I've called you here today to discuss Xuxu girl's marriage. We'll put aside Feng Xi's three years of mourning for now. I intend to find a match for Xuxu girl first; otherwise, if we wait another three years, she'll truly become an old maid. What do you two uncles and aunts think?" The Second Uncle and Second Aunt heard that they were called for this matter and exchanged looks. It wasn't their concern, and besides, with what Mother had said, she must already have someone in mind. Therefore, they didn't interject. The Second Aunt voiced, "Mother, we have no objections. We're of the younger generation and will heed Mother's decision." At this, Grandma nodded and turned her gaze toward the Third Uncle and Third Aunt. The Third Aunt immediately chimed in with a brilliant smile, "We'll follow whatever Mother decides."

Feng Xuxu remained silent beside them. They were arranging her marriage, weren't they? Why weren't they asking the person involved? Feng Xi heard that they were discussing his sister's marriage and asked, "Grandma, do you already have someone in mind?" Grandma looked at Feng Xi and cheerfully replied, "Yes, it's your Third Aunt's eldest brother's son, Liu Hao." Feng Xi, puzzled, inquired, "Isn't that the idiot?"

"What idiot? My grandnephew is just honest and sincere. He's a good, hearted, tall, and strapping lad—quite the catch!" Feng Xuxu rolled her eyes while keeping her head down. Really, isn't he still an idiot? Upon hearing Feng Xi calling her grandnephew an idiot, the Third Aunt couldn't help but jump out to clarify. Feng Xuxu looked up at the Third Aunt with a cold stare and asked aloud, "Third Aunt, if your nephew is so great, why don't you marry your daughter off to him? Why not keep it within the family?"

Third Aunt resented the insinuation of marrying her daughter off to an idiot. In her mind, no matter how good her nephew was, he wasn't as worthy as her own precious daughter, who was destined to marry a wealthy husband in town. How could she marry off to an idiot? Furious, the Third Aunt stood up, walked over to Feng Xuxu, and pointed at her nose while scolding.

"You cheap thing, I pitied you, fatherless and motherless, and arranged a marriage for you with my nephew as a favor to you. You little slut, you're here picking and choosing. You should take a good look at yourself. Do you think you're some kind of fairy? Pah! Let me tell you, Feng Xuxu, whether you like it or not, you will marry. I don't believe I can't handle a little slut like you, hmph!"

After finishing, she stood to one side, glaring viciously at Feng Xuxu. Feng Xuxu was very angry but knew that now was not the time to lose her temper. Looking up at her brother, she saw that he was enraged, his eyes red and fists clenched, ready to argue. Feng Xuxu quickly moved to her brother's side to stop his rash action and looked at Grandma, saying,

"Grandma, although our mother passed away early, in her lifetime, she taught my brother and me to respect our elders. There are other girls in the family too. According to age, our young Aunt is also fifteen this year, and she hasn't been betrothed either. Second Aunt's twin daughters, Rue and Cui sisters, are both thirteen years old, a year older than me, and they aren't engaged. As for the youngest, Third Aunt's daughter, little Sister He, is only seven years old. By all accounts, it shouldn't be my turn yet!"

Feng Xuxu thought to herself, her younger aunt and second aunt wanted to coldly watch from the sidelines, acting as if it wasn't their concern, hanging aloft with indifference. Humph, no matter what, she would have to drag them into the mess. If it was going to be chaos, they would all be in chaos together. After speaking, Feng Xuxu didn't pay attention to the several glares thrown her way, she just lowered her head and silently cried with tears in her eyes. At this moment, the younger aunt who sat to the side stood up and said, "Feng Xuxu, what does your engagement have to do with me? Besides, my mother has already promised me that I'd be an official's wife. Who would marry an idiot? Let whoever loves to do it go ahead, but don't drag me into this, or I won't let it go," the younger aunt, still young and impulsive, and unfortunately someone who came late into her parents' life, usually coddled and spoiled, didn't care about the hints her grandmother was giving her, and still did as she pleased. Feng Xuxu felt secretly delighted inside—dream on about becoming an official's wife, probably got her head kicked by a donkey!

While Feng Xuxu was amusingly thinking in her heart, she heard her second aunt Feng Zhao's wife stand out and say, "Our Rui'er and Cui'er, I plan to keep for a couple more years. Xuxu girl, it's because your family is without an adult that your mother thought of finding you a well-rooted household to marry into, to keep you from being bullied." After finishing, the aunt shook her head. Feng Xuxu looked at her second aunt, quite a hidden card! She managed not to offend her third aunt, all the meanwhile pleasing grandma, and on the other hand, she was persuading Feng Xuxu to marry into the other family, ensuring that she wouldn't be bullied. Killing three birds with one stone! Seeing this, they were all acting masters!

Feng Xi couldn't listen anymore, and grabbing his sister's hand, he kneeled before grandfather and grandmother, saying, "Grandpa, Grandma. It's said that a woman follows her father at home, and after the father dies, she follows her mother. Since our father and mother are both gone, and I'm the eldest son and her elder brother, isn't it true that the elder brother is like a father? Since my sister is neither married nor engaged, shouldn't her marriage be a matter for consultation with me, her elder brother? May I ask Grandfather, what was the meaning of third aunt's words just now? Does my sister not marrying your nephew mean that third aunt intends to force the issue?" His last question was aimed directly at the third aunt! Hearing Feng Xi's questioning words, Grandfather glared at the troubled third daughter-in-law Liu's wife.

Turning to look at Feng Xi, he said, "Stand up! Although it's just after the start of spring, the ground is still cold. Feng Xi, ah, you're also seventeen this year, not too young anymore. Now you're the pillar of the home. Your third aunt is always talking nonsense, but she is concerned about Xuxu girl's marriage, which is why she called us together to discuss Xuxu's marriage. Of course, as her brother, you have the final say. Since Xuxu girl doesn't have plans to be engaged, let's never bring this matter up again!"

After finishing, Grandfather paused, then added, "I'm getting on in years, sitting for a while tires me out. Alright, let's disperse!" Then, standing up, he walked towards the main house. Uncle and aunt took Rui'er, Cui'er, and the youngest son Feng Liang to bid farewell to grandma and headed home. Rui'er took a glance at Feng Xuxu before leaving, curling her lips, and Feng Xi and Feng Xuxu closely followed behind and left as well.

Seeing that the marriage talk was unsuccessful and still receiving a cold reception, the third aunt's heart was filled with anger. She came forward and said in a low voice, "Mother, what should we do? My sister-in-law said, as long as we can talk Xuxu, that wretched girl, into marrying my nephew, there would be a hefty reward of one hundred taels of silver!"

Upon hearing about the advantage of one hundred taels of silver, grandmother Feng Jia's wife suddenly pulled a long face and scolded, "You, Liu's wife, why didn't you tell me earlier about the advantage? Were you thinking of pocketing it all yourself?" Feng Liu's wife quickly held her mother-in-law's hand and said, "Mother, even if you gave me a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare! But what do we do now? Grandpa has spoken; her brother will decide on everything regarding the wretched girl Feng Xuxu's marriage. Doesn't that mean the silver we had in hand has flown away?"

Feng Liu's wife was regretting a lot at that moment; she should have mentioned the advantage to her mother-in-law earlier. Now, well, the chickens have flown and the eggs have broken, she ended up with nothing. Grandmother Feng Jia's wife thought for a while and finally said, "Let's just leave it for now, wait for a while, and then I'll discuss it again with your father-in-law."

In a blink, it was almost February for Feng Xuxu, and it had been a month and a half since her last visit to the old house. Feng Xuxu sighed, realizing she had become a homebody, never stepping out the front door or the side door. Feng Xuxu looked at the mountains in the distance, thinking about maybe venturing into the mountains tomorrow—the old saying goes well, you live off the mountain if you're by the mountain, live off the water if you're by the water. Maybe she would even find a treasure? Sure, that's the pleasant decision made, treasure hunting tomorrow. "Xuxu, what are you daydreaming about? You didn't even notice me coming in." Xuxu looked up and saw it was the girl from neighboring Uncle Zhang's, Zhang Jiaojiao, a year older than herself.