Chapter 4 Treasure Hunting in the Mountains

Jiaojiao saw Feng Xuxu still daydreaming and thought Feng Xuxu was possessed! She went up and slapped Feng Xuxu on the back of the head with a smack. Feng Xuxu had been sneakily planning, thinking about selling vegetables, counting money until her hands cramped, happily fantasizing away, when suddenly a slap brought her back to reality!

Without any silver, the only land they had was the five mu of paddy fields. If they wanted to turn it into a greenhouse, her brother would definitely disapprove; after all, that was their annual supply of food! Forget it, she might as well think about how to earn some silver instead.

Touching her slightly aching head, Feng Xuxu turned around and looked at Sister Jiaojiao with pitiful eyes. Zhang Jiaojiao saw Feng Xuxu looking at her with those big, watery eyes and thought she might have slapped her too hard earlier. Feeling awkward, she said, "Well, I was calling you just now, and you ignored me. I thought you were possessed, so I might have slapped you a bit too hard." After speaking, she felt embarrassed.

She hung her head and kicked at the little stones on the ground. Feng Xuxu chuckled, revealing two small tiger teeth, and grabbed Jiaojiao's hand, saying "Sister Jiaojiao, I was just teasing you, haha." Upon hearing this, Jiaojiao blushed and reached out both hands to tickle Feng Xuxu while saying, "You little rascal, now you're addicted to making fun of me. Let's see if my 'eighteen styles of tickling' will teach you not to tease me."

Dodging and laughing, Feng Xuxu begged for mercy while trying to evade, "Great sister, I won't dare to do it again, please spare me!" Jiaojiao, however, was not willing to let Feng Xuxu escape, and bursts of laughter could be heard from the courtyard from time to time.

Upon returning from the fields, Feng Xi saw his little sister and Zhang Jiaojiao sitting back-to-back on the ground, whispering about something. Seeing the smile on his sister's face, he knew Feng Xuxu had come out from the shadow of their father's death, which was comforting. His face softened unconsciously as a result.

Jiaojiao was sharing with Feng Xuxu all that she had seen and heard in the past three months. When she turned around and saw Feng Xi standing in the courtyard, it was apparent how engrossed they had been in their conversation.

"Oh, when did Brother Feng Xi come back?" Saying this, she rose from the ground and patted off her skirt, and Feng Xuxu did the same. Feng Xi lifted his hoe and said, "I just got back from the fields, haven't even had the chance to put down the hoe yet. You two keep talking," and then he turned and went into the kitchen.

Feng Xuxu saw Sister Jiaojiao's eyes fixed on the kitchen door, her face blushing suspiciously. She coughed and said with a laugh in her eyes, "What is Sister Jiaojiao looking at?"

Zhang Jiaojiao came back to her senses, her face bright red, her gaze darting everywhere but daring not to look at Feng Xuxu's sparkling eyes. Then she calmly brushed her hair tousled by the wind and said, "Your family has such a big place, I could walk back and forth with my eyes closed. What else is there to see?"

"Oh~ is there really nothing to see?" Feng Xuxu asked Zhang Jiaojiao with a drawn tone. Twisting her body, Zhang Jiaojiao stomped her foot and said, "Stop it, I won't talk to you! I'm leaving, and remember to wait for me at home tomorrow, we'll go up the mountain together!" As she said the last sentence, she was already running out the gate. Feng Xuxu chuckled to herself; it seemed there was something going on between her brother and Sister Jiaojiao.