Chapter 11: The Tavern Adventure

Cloud Maid heard the master asking, and she bowed her head respectfully to reply, "Yes, Master, she is a little farm girl from Feng Family Village, Longgang Town."

"Well, you may leave. You know what to do," the man in red said while looking at the handkerchief in his hand, deep in thought.

"Cloud Maid understands, Cloud Maid takes her leave," she bowed to the man in red, turned around, walked out the door, and after closing it, Cloud Maid touched the cold sweat on her forehead and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She stabilized her emotions and headed towards the downstairs hall.

Feng Xuxu held the bundle in her hands, which contained several pieces of fine cotton cloth given to her by Aunt Cloud. She thought about making some clothes for her brother and herself when she got back. Feeling the silver in her bosom, her pace quickened as she went to find her brother in the marketplace.

When Feng Xuxu arrived at the marketplace, she saw her brother had already sold all the firewood and was looking around, waiting for her. Feng Xuxu, with her bundle, flung herself towards her brother, "I'm back." Feng Xi steadied his little sister, "You're such a big girl now, yet you don't walk properly. You're not allowed to do this next time; if you fall, who will hurt for you?" Feng Xuxu pouted, "I won't fall!"

Feng Xi playfully flicked his little sister's forehead, "So now you even have your reasons," he said indulgently.

"Big brother, come here, bend down, I have something to tell you,"

"Why all this secrecy about what you have to say?" Feng Xi bent over as he spoke. Feng Xuxu whispered into her brother's ear about how she made silver by selling embroidered handkerchiefs that day. Feng Xi's eyes widened, and his mouth hung open in disbelief as he asked, "What kind of handkerchief could sell for such a high price?"

Feng Xuxu laughed heartily, "I won't tell. It's a secret," as Feng Xi shook his head with a smile.

Feng Xi, leading his sister Feng Xuxu, came to a grain shop called "Haozailai," "Honored guests, please come in. What would you like? We have newly arrived rice, millet, cornmeal, brown rice flour; our refined rice is thirty wen per jin, unrefined rice twenty-three wen per jin, plain flour fifteen wen per jin, millet forty wen per jin, corn flour ten wen per jin, brown rice flour five wen per jin. Our shop offers truly good quality at a low price," the server enthusiastically described the shop's products by his side.

Feng Xi looked at the rice and felt that the grain was not bad, "Ten jin refined rice, ten jin plain flour, twenty jin corn flour, two jin millet,"

"Alright, just a moment, it will be ready soon," the server said as he ran to measure out the grain. In half the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he came back with the basket on his back, and a sweat towel in his other hand wiping sweat, "Honored guest, all your goods are packed. Ten jin of refined rice three hundred wen, ten jin plain flour one hundred fifty wen, twenty jin corn flour two hundred wen, two jin millet eighty wen, in total seven hundred thirty wen. Please pay here." Feng Xi nodded and followed the server to the counter, taking out a liang of silver from his pouch to give to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper gave back two hundred seventy wen change, repeatedly saying to come back next time when they need something. "Shopkeeper, may I leave the grain here and come back for it later?" After settling the account, Feng Xi looked at the beaming shopkeeper and asked.

"Yes, yes. You go on to the market first. Send any other purchases here. When it's time to leave the city, I'll have my assistant send you off," the shopkeeper said, warmly treating them as important customers.

The siblings left the grain shop and went straight to the grocery next door. By the time they had finished buying everyday necessities for their home, it was already noon. Feng Xuxu touched her stomach, "Big brother, I'm hungry. Let's find a place to have some food."

"Sure, there's a wonton shop not far ahead. Their wontons are famously delicious in the town. Let's go try them today," Feng Xi suggested.

"Okay, let's do as you say, big brother."

When the two arrived at the wonton shop, the place was packed with people, not a single empty seat, and the business was booming. Feng Xi furrowed his good-looking brows, "It looks like we're too late," he said with a helpless shrug.

"Big brother, then let's go to the restaurant diagonally across from here. I haven't eaten meat for such a long time," Feng Xuxu batted her large, pitiful eyes at her brother, looking pleadingly adorable.

Feng Xi was hesitant about eating out at first, but upon hearing his sister hadn't had meat in a long time, he promptly led her to the best restaurant in town, "Zuiyun Pavilion," without a second word.