Chapter 17 Nemesis

"Hey, Sister Liu, look, isn't that the jinx of Dahong's family? It's drizzling, and the siblings are wearing straw coats. Where are they off to?" When Sister Liu heard her neighbor Feng Zheng mention the jinx, she looked up to see Feng Xi and Xuxu passing by her yard and craned her neck through the fence to see they were heading toward the home of the third Feng, "They must be going to the third Feng's place," Sister Feng Liu said to Feng Zheng, who had come over for a visit.

"Ah! Sister Liu, now even our village is spreading the rumor that Feng Xuxu is a jinx. Just yesterday, my relatives came over for a visit and they were talking about it too," Feng Zheng said, standing by the door, hands in her pockets, and chatting with Sister Liu.

"Exactly, good news stays inside the house, bad news travels a thousand miles. I need to tell the children, they can't be too close to them. If they really get hexed, it will be too late for regrets," Sister Liu remarked.